The ICS portfolio consists of two key elements. Firstly ICS has developed an independent condition detector which can be applied to all current banknote processing technology and provides an independent assessment of note quality across all equipment, locations and denominations. Secondly ICS has developed a reporting software package which is able to access data from all processing equipment and consolidate this into a central MIS platform so that management have assess to operational efficiency, note quality and inventory positions and so manage their cash processing operations more effectively. The reports output from this MIS platform are available to the customer via a regular web browser for maximum cross-platform compatibility on devices such as Windows and Mac laptops, desktops on tablets and even smartphones.
ICS is responsible for all aspects of the specification, manufacture and delivery of the solution and has a number of arrangements with local support partners in the industry to manage the installation and post sales support at customer locations.
ICS is responsible for all aspects of the specification, manufacture and delivery of the solution and has a number of arrangements with local support partners in the industry to manage the installation and post sales support at customer locations.